Sailing Off Brazil

Sailing Off Brazil

I get asked, “Does it take imagination to sail?” Oh sure. Two adult siblings and their spouses arrived from southwest Louisiana to check out the bayou known as the York River, otherwise sailing off Brazil. They were on adventure while vacationing at Williamsburg. Brothers-in-law Timmy Brunet and Darrell Scott have known each other for years […]

Captain’s Choice

Captain's Choice

People often ask: “Is it hard learning how to sail?” No, not at all. Two couples from Richmond and Lynchburg had never met until they went out on the York River to learn how to sail. What they got was a primer on the water and a rare view of a passing Navy submarine. En […]

Name that Boat

People are always asking, “What are the best and worst boat names?” Most boat names like these at right reflect bad puns, good women or bad situations.  While traveling through North Carolina and South Carolina, I found a curious set of names at a marina in Wilmington. The US Coast Guard has strict naming rules […]

Sailing Through a Storm

Sailing Through a Storm

People often ask, “What’s it like to sail through a storm?” It’s challenging, for sure. A young couple from Charlottesville drove all the way to Williamsburg to take three children sailing on the York. They wound up learning quickly about sailing through a storm. Actually, when a storm approaches is the best time to roll […]

Buying a Sailboat? Do it Yourself

Buying a sailboat? Do it yourself People ask, “Is it difficult to buy a sailboat?” No, and you can do it yourself without a broker. At Let’s Go Sail, the Boat Buying Cruise is for those who are determined to own their own sailboat. Unless they’re flush with cash, I recommend buying used. For one thing, the engine is already […]

Who Goes Sailing

Who goes sailing

“It’s remarkable how quickly a good and favorable wind can sweep away the maddening frustrations of shore living.” – Ernest K. Gann Those who cruise with Let’s Go Sail on the York River cross all demographics, but they tend to skew more affluent. They are slightly overweight but never obese, and they have some college […]

Bachelorette Party

How are men and women different? Men prefer to hold a bachelor party on a motorboat while women prefer a sailboat for a bachelorette party. The reasons are simple. Men like boats that go fast, make noise and stink. What better place to enjoy your last night of freedom than on a motorboat? Women enjoy […]

Ships of the York

Boats of the York River

  You can go for days without seeing another boat on the York River. Then they show up in multitudes, seemingly for no reason. In fact, there is a cycle to the boating and shipping traffic. Here’s a rundown of the range of boats and ships along the York River. Next, a unique factoid is […]

Sailing with House Guests

Sailing with house guests

I once toyed with running an ad in the Ford’s Colony community bulletin that replicated the info graphic above. It derived from a burst in activity from couples who were visiting friends in the planned community and evidently stayed too long. Normally the home couple would join them, but clearly they were fed up. So […]

Sail Past Navy Ships

Sail past Navy ships

  Nearly every week, except during the holidays, we sail past Navy ships as they ply the York River to and from Yorktown Naval Weapons Station. They arrive usually on Monday around noon and depart Thursday or Friday morning. These ships are magnificent to see coming over the eastern horizon from Norfolk Naval Base. I […]