Sailing to Mexico
Race is 125 miles

Sailing to MexicoRamona Findley of Los Angeles has crewed in offshore races from Newport Beach to Ensenada, Mexico, a 125-mile stretch that includes overnight sailing. So she and her colleagues from the LAPD and LA Sheriff’s Department had no problem sailing a mid-size Hunter on the York River on a beautiful afternoon. “I worked as the spinnaker hand,” she said while zipping 15 degrees heeled. “I had to raise it just right or we could lose the race.” You could see in her eyes she was back at Newport Beach.

Sailing Honeymoon

Sailing is supposed to be safe, comfortable, unique fun. So it was amusing to hear Nancy Evanson of Minnesota regale us with the story of her son’s sailing honeymoon. “They wanted to sail away on Lake Minnentonka and spend their honeymoon out on the water. When they departed, he forgot to untie all the ropes. As a result, that ripped out a piece of the dock, which they dragged behind the boat.

“When they got to the spot to anchor, he threw out the anchor only to find it unattached to the rope. They managed to tie up to somewhere. Then the rain came. It poured and got them all wet. They decided to go back to the dock. But because it was night they couldn’t see where it was since they had left during daytime. They finally made it back around 4 o’clock in the morning, exhausted. I think they wound up having breakfast at a Country Kitchen in town.” I asked if they remain married. “Yes, happily.” Do they still sail? “Yes they do.”

USS Cole Transits

USS Cole

The opening of the Coleman Bridge at Yorktown took longer Thursday morning when highway officials gave a wide berth to a very special ship, US Navy Warship 67. The bridge swung wide at least ten minutes earlier and ten minutes later. That way, the guided missile destroyer USS Cole could transit unimpeded.

Let’s Go Sailing to Mexico

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sailing to mexico sailing to mexico sailing to mexico

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