Girl Talk
Family from Kansas

Sometimes the best place on a sailboat for girl talk can be the bow. Out there, with the boat slicing through the waves, one can find solitude to scrutinize nature and wind up falling asleep. Or you can hold a private conversation. Here, Ashley and Andrea Kieffer of Shawnee, Kansas, enjoy some girl time while sailing the York River with their family.

Over the years, multiple young women have booked the boat for Bachelorette parties. They inevitably wind up on the bow, with drinks and food galore. Photo below shows one example. The bow provides an adventurous place with a 360 view of the water. Privacy matters as well, as the giggles attest.

Girl Talk

Girl Talk
She said yes

I’ve had several young men commission the sailboat to propose to their girlfriends. In the first case in 2014, we were both nervous about him taking her to the bow while under sail and getting down on his knee without dropping the ring in the drink. He did just fine, and she said yes. Later I bought an inexpensive ring on Amazon to loan the without anxiety.

Sea Power Defined

“Here’s a fun factoid that you may not know,” Matt McQuade said while sailing near Williamsburg with his wife Cathy. “A Navy carrier group at sea becomes the fourth most powerful nation on earth – after Russia, China and the United States. Each group, and there are 11 of them, has surrounding the aircraft carrier multiple destroyers, frigates and guided missile cruisers along with an undisclosed number of submarines.

The carrier Enterprise was the fastest and had the most nuclear reactors with eight, but it’s now being decommissioned. These nuclear ships can run a year or more at sea, returning to shore only to replenish the food supply.” Matt should know, having spent nearly 33 years at Newport News Shipyard building carriers, destroyers and submarines. The latest and greatest is the USS Gerald R. Ford, costing nearly $5 billion and capable of exceeding 55 mph.

Dog Goes Sailing

The Sherman family of Newark, Delaware, couldn’t bear to leave their salty dog Nidya cooped up in a hotel condo all day, so they brought her sailing on the York River near Yorktown. She’s a rescue dog with a mix of German shepherd and hound. It took a few turns of the boat for her to adjust to the heeling or tilting effect, but then she sat quietly for hours. She’s the first dog to cruise aboard ship with Williamsburg Charter Sails.

Let’s Go Sail with Girl Talk

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Williamsburg Sailing Kieffer 2

Bachelorette party

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