Calling a rain-outAs heavy rain passed through Williamsburg early Tuesday morning, I elected to cancel today’s sail with six people. Radar suggests the rain will end by mid-morning, but more rain is visible on radar out west, past Petersburg, and likely to come our way. It may only be a shower, but still. People expect to sail on a sunny day, or at the very least a cloudy day without rain. Better to call it off early than late, to ease anyone’s anxiety.

Over the years, the alert program has advanced. I send clusters of imminent customers the three-day outlook. If any of those days look sketchy, I send them the forecast 24 hours ahead and then the morning of. Radar has improved over the years to the point that we can sail with storms as close as 20 miles away. Seasons matter, because summer storms move faster. Sometimes we get rained on by military helicopters churning up the surf, but that’s quite an adventure — as long as we don’t get too close.

They Said It

Early praise from friends and relatives for Let’s Go Sail during the first season, 2013.

What a wonderful way to spend a few hours…sailing on a summer breeze with friends and Capt. Bill. Absolutely perfect! –Sylvia and Bob Hunt

I’ve sailed many times with Skipper Bill and have always enjoyed being in his company. You’ll be safe and secure on his boat. You too will surely enjoy sailing in the historic York River and environs. –Ross Ford

Soooooo proud of Williamsburg Charter Sails and Capt. Bill! He makes sailing look like a piece of cake! –Maxine Lutz

They Said it 2

Better than sitting in an office! –Sally Dwaileebe
I’ve been on that boat with Bill and had the most relaxing time. If you love the water, outdoors, or wildlife, you owe yourself a trip.  –Jay Colley
Captain Grandpa Chief’s grandkids Willa, Amelie and Ivan here with my husband Allen Shorter– we all had a blast on the kids’ very first sailing trip! It was a perfect day, the kids were overjoyed and quite captivated. They loved the boat cabin, the ospreys, the buoys and channel markers, and the huge bridge. Families, this is a real treat you won’t get to do anywhere else! –Kaley Shorter

They Sait it 3

I can’t think of a better treat! Skimming  down the York with Bill makes one appreciate our beautiful area, and Bill’s commentary just adds to the fun! –Linda Lee Berryman
From my experience on board, a great sail and expert Captain! –Walt Zaremba
Best day ever! To sail the York River with Captain Bill and some of my friends last week We saw lots of dolphins and two of my friends actually sailed the boat! Can’t wait to go again. –Debi Schaefer
Just took a cruise with on the Deadline. Awesome fun. Thanks, Captain O’Donovan. Brandy Howard
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. –Mark Twain

Sailing Past Church,  (not  Calling  a Rain-out)Calling a rain-out

Pastor Steve and Connie Caronna of Raleigh sailed 14 miles Wednesday evening on the York River amid a lively conversation about their growing church. When asked to differentiate his Pentecostal church from others, he gave it some thought and replied, “We believe that God did not put Jesus Christ on earth to condemn man or punish him, but to give him hope. We preach the Gospel of hope.”

Let’s Go Calling a Rain-out

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calling a rain-out calling a rain-out

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