Kathy and Ed Raskay of Horsham, Pennsylvania, took their four fabulous daughters sailing on the York River, near Williamsburg, before everyone has to go back to school next month. They found it to be great excitement.
People ask, “How do you avoid hitting the Coleman Bridge?” Ed recalled, “One time I was sailing with a pal and he lost his halyard up the mast. He got the bright idea of going to a bridge to try and catch the end of it from above. But of course the mast was swaying so much that he’s lucky it didn’t bang into the bridge.”
The wind picked up and the girls took to heeling the sailboat to 30 degrees as we gained speed. Kathryn Raskay was almost able to touch the water from the catbird seat. We avoided any bridges. We clear the Coleman Bridge by 13 feet as long we go through the precise middle.
Revolutionary War Museum
The public got its first peek at the new American Revolution Museum at Yorktown, which opended in phases in 2015. During an open house, officials with the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation gave guided tours. The building overlooks the York River in a long hallway configuration like that of the Jamestown Settlement galleries.
The Yorktown galleries aren’t finished yet. But the building is and it’s magnificent. A hands-on exhibit encourages visitors to grab a replica sword (they’re heavy). The orientation movie transcends the typical museum hype by focusing instead on the concept of liberty.
A William & Mary history professor reminds us about a key fact. We already had liberty as the war evolved, but we had to preserve it by defeating the British. Man-on-the-street interviews in Yorktown, Williamsburg and Richmond find eloquent statements that seem spontaneous and unrehearsed.
Summer of Freedom
Colonial Williamsburg and the Williamsburg Chamber & Tourism Alliance made their annual appeal in 2015 to the city for marketing funding. The Chamber sum of $900,000 would underwrite a new campaign called “Summer of Freedom.” It highlights events and activities around three themes: the freedom to relax, the freedom to be curious, and the freedom to have fun. We’ve got you covered on all three points at Williamsburg Charter Sails.
Let’s Go Sail, Avoiding the Bridge
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avoiding the bridge avoiding the bridge avoiding the bridge