Two couples sailing the York River enjoyed opposite timelines. Jan and Bill Spe
ndley have been married 52 years and do nearly everything together. Tyrell Gardner and his date Shawna are engaged to marry . Tye is finishing up his master’s on the way to medical school. That left us in awe for his dedication.
We wound up in a productive discussion about the Affordable Care Act. Without that in place, Bill observed.
“If Tye were his son he would spring for $12,000 worth of health insurance. It would cover multiple years with an interest-free loan. Bill’s logic was, “You’d help insure your son’s car, right? What’s more important than his health?” As it happens, EVMS will insure Tye once he’s enrolled. That’s because the med school puts an equally large value on its investment.
Leadership matters
He arrived in Williamsburg and then Yorktown in September 1781. But George Washington was hardly the eager general. New research has found more on the Comte de Rochambeau. He had to convince the Continental Army commander to give up hopes of fighting the British in New York. Instead, he needed to turn south to his native Virginia where Lafayette discovered Cornwallis.
Washington knew nothing of siege warfare, which won the day at Yorktown. But he was a willing student of Rochambeau. He was also an extraordinary leader who coordinated 17,000 men from multiple commands to outnumber Cornwallis. Afterward, Washington correctly credited the French for the victory (especially at the Capes). But everyone took that as aristocratic humility.
Petulant Parkway
The Colonial Parkway was open between Williamsburg and Yorktown during the initial days of the federal government shutdown. But the Y
orktown exit to Water Street was inexplicably barricaded at both ends by the National Park Service. Could that be because Colonial National Historic Park did not want to make it easy for visitors to reach the state-operated Yorktown Victory Center? Which just happens to be across the street from this exit?
Let’s Go Sail with a Tale of Two Couples
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tale of two couples tale of two couples