Learning to sailPeople ask, “Is it hard to learn to sail?” Check out the video below. The Green family of Carrollton spent two rigorous days at SailTime Virginia Beach learning the ropes and much more. They became proficient in all five sail reaches of close haul, close reach, beam reach, broad reach, and run.

All four of them learned the difficult job of how to rescue a man overboard – quickly. They became versed in the nomenclature of sailing and learned the rules of the road and key navigation rules. Perhaps more important, they found it an incredible bonding experience for the entire family.

Coast Guard ToursLearning to sail

The US Coast Guard Cutter Eagle is open for tours ocassionally at the Coast Guard Training Center, Yorktown. America’s official tall ship is a seagoing classroom for future officers. The ship is rarely here and blew in Friday, coincidentally behind a US Navy submarine headed up the York River to Naval Weapons Station. No such tours there, however.

Sailing Higher (Learning to Sail)


For their 28th wedding anniversary, Denise Ward took her husband Richard sailing and sightseeing on a brisk York River. He’s a job site superintendent for a company that does exterior restorations.

??????????“The wind gets pretty strong and funnels between tall buildings. We work as high as 20 or 25 stories, with scaffolding counter-weighted to the top of the building. High winds can rattle the platform and actually swing the scaffolding from side to side as much as ten feet in both directions. I’ve had guys quit the first day. When winds get to 25, we have to shut down because it becomes unproductive and people get scared. It’s also a problem keeping bricks and other materials on the platform from flying off. I’m fully aware of the danger, I respect that.”

Colorado Divers

“Colorado has more divers per capita than any other state. We like to dive in Cozumel, Mexico, where the reefs and fish are amazing. You shoot down 40 to 80 feet and let the current run you past all the fish and reefs. Up above, the captain has to keep the boat moving to follow our bubbles. It’s like watching a movie, only better. There’s a lot of cool stuff down there.” – Colorado Springs divemaster Jim Wing with his wife Alicia as they sailed the York River.

Let’s Go Learning to Sail

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learning to sail learning to sail learning to sail

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