Open Season

Open Season

After a long winter, Let’s Go Sail launched anew for the second decade.

Sailing Serenely

Sailing Serenely

People wonder out loud, “Is sailing a serene experience?” Entirely! A couple from the Shenandoah Valley went to Richmond to visit old friends in May 2018. Then they included a trip to Williamsburg where we wound up sailing serenely on the York River. Right off the bat, we saw dolphins as we exited Sara Creek […]

How to Sail Like a Pro

How to Sail Like a Pro

People ask, “What’s the best way to sail like a pro?” Don’t forget to wear an ascot. WATCH VIDEOS—This is a good first step because you can choose from myriad short videos on You Tube to see how things work. Focus at first on the Close Reach, Beam Reach and docking. The rest is details. […]

Hurricane Coming

Hurricane Coming

People ask, “What do you do in a hurricane?” The latest thing to do near Williamsburg is to batten down the hatches for the hurricane coming. Not since Isabel 19 years ago has a Cat 4 threatened the Virginia coast. At York River Yacht Haven, the yard crew pulled 33 boats of all sizes in […]

Shades of Improved Ego

50 Shades of Improved Sailing Ego

People wonder, “Is sailing an ego trip?” When you start out to sail, you set yourself apart from the rest of mankind who lack your ambition. You have chosen an adventure that takes time to learn, time to hone, time to perfect. Not everyone can do it. Already you feel better. You think, This beats […]

Learning to Sail Big

Learning to Sail Big

Two fellows from Hampton Roads set out on a brilliant Saturday morning to advance their sailing skills by learning to sail big. Dan Fisher and Jim Brock took the ASA 101 basic keelboat course separately. Now they assembled for the next step, ASA 103 intermediate coastal cruising. They had never met before. Dan has a […]

Sailing Wisdom, Life’s Metaphors

Sailing Wisdom. Life's Metaphors

People often ask, “Why is sailing so special?” Unlike any other sport, sailing lends itself to inspiration, as these three illustrations show. No other mode of transportation is so inspiring, except maybe trains (“City of New Orleans”), or the bus ride with Kathy in Simon and Garfunkel’s “America.” Sailing memories are a pleasant reminder of […]

York River Rescue

A sport fishing boat hit a buoy and sank within ten minutes. We were there.

First-Time Sailors

First-Time Sailors

Some people ask, “Can you take me sailing even if I’ve never been on a boat before?” Hop aboard! Ian Whitfield and Makini Clay brought another couple with them from Richmond. They celebrated Ian’s birthday with a unique outdoor adventure near Williamsburg. I asked if he had sailed before? “No, I’ve never been on a […]