“The residential rental business is stinky,” summarized Doug McSwain. He took his wife Valerie out sailing off Yorktown in brisk winds ahead of an afternoon of rain. He’s endured myriad Sailing Without Tenantsproblems with tenants in Huntsville, Alabama, and elsewhere, mostly due to perceived entitlement by tenants and their exploitation of arcane state laws.

Valerie once got stung after evicting someone. She neglected to refund  the deposit within 45 days. “I usually do it the very next day, but I enjoyed my honeymoon and lost track of time paying the bills.” The court stuck her for penalties and court costs. I suggested they watch the movie “Pacific Heights,” starring Michael Keaton. That would dissuade anyone from renting property.

Sailing Without TenantsWilloughby Bay Marina

Term Limits

“If the states work to adopt term limits for Congress, that would circumvent Washington. Since they’re obviously not going to vote for it themselves.”

That’s a brilliant idea by Theresa Brown of Virginia Beach. She took her sister Ann sailing on Willoughby Bay on a discovery cruise by SailTime. Theresa (right) models the grass roots movement along the National Organization of Women effort. They passed the women’s rights amendment years ago. “If two-thirds of the states adopt the amendment, we could get the rascals out. Or we could just vote them out.” Sure enough, there’s a website devoted to the term limits.

Sailing to Longevity

You meet the nicest people sailing. Karl and Sherri Snider (right) joined Karen Straight and Ron Watkins and his niece Lisa. We sailed on a warm afternoon sail amid busy, shouting Coast Guard trainees on the York River. No government shutdown for them.

The Sniders work at a nursing home in Missouri. It recently had the longest living person in America, age 112. Ron and Karen operate Colonial Gardens B&B on Jamestown Road. I was commenting on the sad state of physical fitness Karen Watkins at leftyoung people today. Some of them would have a hard time running a sailboat because they’re too busy text-messaging.

Lisa is a U-Conn grad who’s now a personal trainer. She responded with an apt analogy about teenage wimps. “Their sedentary life is to our generation what smoking was to yours. They have simply grown accustomed to unhealthy behavior. And they lack an incentive to change.”

Let’s Go Sailing Without Tenants

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