Sailing to Jamestown

People ask, “Is Jamestown worth visiting?” “Emma’s third-grade teacher led us to go to Historic Jamestowne, with her enthusiasm for the nation’s founding,” said Christine Erickson as her four children scampered about the boat while sailing the York River. Unbeknownst to them, Jamestown and Colonial Williamsburg have invested heavily to bring educators here from every state in the union to sophisticated teacher institutes that convey history hands-on.

Sailing to Jamestown“They know a lot of the answers to our questions,” Emma explained. Regarding Jamestown Settlement, Jacob said, “People were mostly there, but it wasn’t the real place. My mom took a picture of me holding a sword and a musket.” The kids got to use replica tools to till the garden and discover which plants thrived in the 1600s. Christine said 3-year-olds were too young to work the garden and too old to carry, “so they got to throw rocks at the crows.” Where else in America are kids encouraged to throw rocks?

See below for a video on Historic Jamestowne, operated by the National Park Service.

Law of the Admiralty

??????????Some 450 paralegals assist Judge Advocate attorneys in the US Navy. Veda May has 22 years of experience and was on the carrier USS Enterprise when the SEALS captured and killed Osama Bin Laden. “We have to follow the law of the admiralty, but of course terrorists don’t worry about that,” she said while sailing one beautiful evening on the York.

She saw her share of pirates. When they’re captured, “We make sure they’re treated fairly onboard, fed well and clothed.” Paralegals often represent the government in separation proceedings to muster out the bad sailors. The defense always has attorneys. “It’s great when a paralegal can prevail over a lawyer in that setting,” she said. After retiring next year, she’s off to law school, perhaps UVA. “I’m passionate about the law.”

Sailor Goes Shooting

??????????“I went all season without shooting a deer and finally dropped a white tail deer Nov. 14. I remember the date because my son had his birthday then,” said Michael Allen, a fifth-generation railroad worker from Unicoi, Tennessee, while sailing with his wife Laura.

“Well, I was in my tree stand and it was snowing. I saw him in the distance, but he circled around into a holler. About 45 minutes went by and I didn’t see him. Then all of a sudden I saw something flicker in the snow at the top of the field. I laid my gun on the rest. Using a laser range finder I put the crosshairs on his shoulder. Then I raised the sights 10 to 12 inches higher. The shot blinded my view. So I wasn’t sure I hit him since the gun only rates for 150 yards.” Sure enough, he got the buck with a clean shot from a muzzle-loaded powder rifle. The shot traveled 209 yards.

Let’s Go Sailing to Jamestown

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