People ask, “Who are the most interesting sailors?” Med students! Six young people who have bonded together went for a sailing adventure on the York River on a cloudy Saturday morning that got progressively warmer and sunnier.
“We’re all residents at VCU,” said one young woman. “Four of us are interns in our final year of med school. One is a pharmacist and the last is a medical computer programmer. We can never get our schedules together to go out, so this is a big deal.”
I told her a joke from an OR nurse: What’s the difference between God and a surgeon? God knows he’s not a surgeon. She laughed as if she hadn’t heard it before.
Several of them went up to the bow to hang out, chatting. As we turned from one side of the river to the other, I motioned them to duck as the genoa came across. Adam Diaz, the programmer, took it upon himself to announce the turn with dramatic gusto. “Get down! Get down! The sail is turning! Hit the deck!”
We talked about medicine, patients, the college bribe scandal, and the cost of housing. One fellow had an interesting take. “It’s just not worth it to buy a house today. Because the standard deduction has been doubled, it would take a huge mortgage to offset that.”
Near the oil terminal we went to tack across and I couldn’t find Adam, since he was chatting down below in the salon. I motioned him to come up. “Hit the deck!” he screamed, to everyone’s laughter. It was glorious. He must have done that a dozen times.

Let’s Go Sailing with Med Students

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med students go sailing med students go sailing med students go sailing

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