Alex Grunsfeld completed all three on-the-water tests for SailTime Virginia Beach by running a 36-foot Hunter outside the shipping lanes of Chesapeake Bay.
He brought his wife and children out on Mother’s Day, and it’s one they’ll remember. He did great in rising winds of 15-18 mph, gusting over 20. As a result of reefing both sails by half, that helped control the boat while maintaining top speed. By virtue of 6+ hours of intense training, he passed all three sea trials. They are proscribed by ASA’s 101, 103 and Skipper’s Qualification.
Alex is now qualified to set out on a weekend trip to Cape Charles or Salt Pond (Hampton). He lives in a perfect place to capitalize on the SailTime program of tiered memberships for big boats.
Alex’s wife Karen was apprehensive at first but gradually gained her sea legs as the boat heeled to 15 degrees all day. Toward the end, she said, “You’ve certainly gained competency and confidence.”
As the day progressed, he talked about the cerebral concept of sailing. “It’s magnificent to be out here with all this power and feel the wind in your hair.” Indeed, think of it as Zen.
Let’s Go Sail, near Chesapeake Bay
Check rates and pick a day for a sailboat charter. See reviews on Trip Advisor.