Summer Sails

Summer Sails leads to swimming in the York River when the weather is hot.
Sailing with Families

As the summer winds down and thoughts return to school, the number of families who go sailing dwindles. I’ve had all variety of families on board this season, everything from toddlers to grown adults. Parents like to take individual children up to the bow to enjoy some private time. Sailing is quite the bonding experience […]
Sailing to Raleigh

What are the odds of three unrelated couples from Raleigh who’ve never met winding up on a sailboat charter near Williamsburg? “That’s not all,” said Larry Maccherone. “We live in Cary in the same neighborhood as Katie, a quarter of a mile away.” Larry and his wife Jennifer ere celebrating their 17th anniversary. As we […]
Family Sailboat Trip in Virginia

When visitors to Williamsburg are looking for a family sailboat trip in Virginia, my charter often pops up on the Internet. Aside from the fun of sailing, I take photos under way and back at dockside to document the adventure. Sometimes these are the only photos of the entire family taken on vacation, so it […]
The Gunpowder Incident
We take a short vacation from sailing to report on the history of the Gunpowder Incident, courtesy of the Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia, from which this is reprinted. The Revolutionary era’s newspapers are rich with stories that inspired the American Revolution. In Reporting the Revolutionary War, Todd Andrlik publishes an array of […]