When visitors to Williamsburg are looking for a family sailboat trip in Virginia, my charter often pops up on the Internet. Aside from the fun of sailing, I take photos under way and back at dockside to document the adventure. Sometimes these are the only photos of the entire family taken on vacation, so it serves a dual purpose as well.

Family Sailboat Trip in Virginia, Williamsburg Charter SailsBack at the dock, I’ll take a group shot and tilt the camera to show how much the boat lists under sail, although of course it’s really flat in the marina slip. I kid people that they’ll want to save this shot for their Christmas card. Imagine my surprise when the Gazda family of Shelton, Connecticut, did just that. On the back, they wrote:

“Dear Captain Bill: Thank you very much for taking this picture and sending it to us. It is one of our favorite pictures of the four of us and brings back great memories of our day with you. Besides being an awesome Captain, Storyteller and Writer, you can add Great Photographer to your list of attributes. Thanks, Derek, Tina, Spencer & Max.”

Let’s go sail. To see the rates and reserve a date this spring for a sailboat charter, click here. To check out reviews from sailors, click here. To become a crew member on a charter sail or to tell us your sailing story, click here.

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