Captain's Blog

Sailing to Raleigh

Sailing to Raleigh

What are the odds of three unrelated couples from Raleigh who’ve never met winding up on a sailboat charter near Williamsburg? “That’s not all,” said Larry Maccherone. “We live in Cary in the same neighborhood as Katie, a quarter of a mile away.” Larry and his wife Jennifer ere celebrating

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Sail on the Bow

Sail on the Bow

There is perhaps no better place than to sail on the bow of a boat along the York River. It’s a great place to contemplate life in the great outdoors as you glide smoothly through the water. You become oblivious to distracting surroundings. People often comment how serene it is

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Naval Observatory

Naval Observatory

Every ten days or so a Navy ship cruises up the York River. It’s usually headed to the Naval Weapons Station at Yorktown. At least once a month I wind up taking a Navy service member or retiree sailing. This was a twofer, with the SS Cornhusker passing by while

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Sailing Fourth

Sailing Fourth

The Fourth of July fizzled in the morning with a steady rain that eventually canceled the evening fireworks. But the Hoolahans of Randolph, New Jersey, braved the weather and headed for a quiet sail on the York River during their vacation in Williamsburg. Sure enough, the rain tapered to a

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Sailing Big

Sailing Big

The Sefcik family of Ringoes, New Jersey, went sailing near Williamsburg while in town showing their oldest daughter the College of William & Mary. W&M is a small liberal arts university, with 5,000 undergrads and 2,500 graduate students. The size is still daunting to incoming freshmen who find the place

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Community Sailing

Community Sailing

Question: Why are some people more compassionate than others? Answer: They serve their community nobly. Every now and then you run into someone whose job is a stunning reflection of community service. Sometimes they’re a couple. Brooke and Jamie Bugg came from Monroe, Georgia to Williamsburg for their wedding anniversary.

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Family Sailing

Family Sailing

Question: What’s the best sailing? Answer: With family. Family sailing is the best because it brings out fond memories and not-so-fond. Sara Beauchamp took her beau and her parents sailing near Williamsburg on bright, beautiful day with brisk winds. Her dad recalled their family cottage on Lake Erie, where they traveled

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Navy Captain Sailing

Navy Captain Sailing

Question: What’s it like with a Navy captain sailing? Answer: It shows the river from a different perspective. Retired Capt. Terry Culton took his wife Helen and their son and his wife sailing on the York River on a quiet morning with almost no breeze. He’s familiar with these waters,

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Birds of Virginia

Birds of Virginia

Question: What is it with the birds of Virginia? Answer: They sometimes fly right at you. Birds are fascinating to watch on the water. Rob and Share Breitenstein  of Pensacola, Florida, took their three beautiful children sailing on breezy York River, where we saw dolphins hunt for schools of fish.

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Sailing Downwind

Sailing Downwind

Question: How do you go sailing downwind? Answer: Raise the spinnaker. Sometimes you need a break from the grandchildren. Jennie and Jeff Seiler care permanently for their three grandsons, who were off visiting their mother for the summer. The Seilers took a leisurely cruise on the York River as light

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