Sailing to Scholarships

Kyle Voors and Sarah Bevier drove up from Chesapeake to go sailing on the York in a brisk spring breeze. Kyle is in the Navy, and Sarah writes grants for the Access College Foundation of Norfolk.

“We help minority students learn more about going to college by reaching out to them and their parents as early as middle school. We tell them that they can get into college and they can afford to go. We show them how to fill out the federal aid form and provide other encouragement.

“The foundation serves 30 high schools and 26 middle schools throughout Hampton Road. In June we’ll hold our annual scholarship luncheon with students, parents, educators and donors. It’s a lot of work but a lot of fun. On Tuesday we’re holding National Signing Day with up to 900 students for a lunch at ODU where we award all of them our $5,000 scholarships. That’s in addition to other scholarships they’ve won. Ours total $900,000. We make place cards for them with their name and the logo of the college that they’re going to after high school. Some of them are technical schools and community colleges. It’s all good.”

I’ll say. On this day, the winds and the story were breathtaking.

Let’s Go Sail

The season is open for sailing on warm sunny days. Check rates and pick a day for a sailboat charter. See reviews on Trip Advisor from sailors just like you.

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