Sail Army

Sail Army

Some men have their heart set on buying a sailboat as a life-long dream. No wonder, since sailing is a magnificent adventure that is too frequently interrupted by life. Seldom do I encounter a woman who wants a boat for her husband. That was the case with LJ and Allen Offord, who drove up from […]

Sail Army & Marines

Sail Army & Marines

Sailing attracts a different demographic, usually better educated and more outdoors oriented. Now and then you run into people who are not only fascinating but selfless. On this day we sailed with a police office, an Army soldier and a hospital nurse. John Barkas is training at Ft. Eustis in helicopter repair, Blackhawks to be […]

Sailing with the Army and Navy

Sailing with the Army and Navy

Five couples from diverse backgrounds got to sail the warm spring winds of the York River while taking in an air show overhead. Two intriguing fellows had never sailed before but quickly got the knack of the helm for a particular reason. Steven “Junior” Sawyer was a parachutist in the US Army, and Joshua Franck is […]

Sailing down Memory Lane

Sailing on the York River brings back fond and funny cruises down Memory Lane. Sallie and Dave McLain took his parents and their daughter and her friend sailing on a beautiful fall afternoon that felt like late summer. It was Dave’s birthday present, so he ran the helm. Sallie recalled: “We were sailing at the family […]

Sailing in late fall

We combined a Lesson Cruise with an Event Cruise on a chilly fall morning that warmed as the sun rose. David Poling brought his son Mason to go over the four sail reaches that exploit the wind’s power. We zoomed down the York River on a 9 mph northeast wind that provided numerous opportunities to feel […]

Sailing for speed

Sailing for speed

We got the sail of a lifetime on a brisk morning breeze coming out of the northeast. Luis and Spring Aponte came from Ft. Eustis to celebrate their eighth wedding anniversary. Spring took the wheel once Luis and I set the mainsail. Before long we got up to 10 mph, and then we rolled out […]

Sailing down Memory Lane

Sailing on the York River brings back fond and funny cruises down Memory Lane. Sallie and Dave McLain took his parents and their daughter and her friend sailing on a beautiful fall afternoon that felt like late summer. It was Dave’s birthday present, so he ran the helm. Sallie recalled: “We were sailing at the family […]

Navy Captain Sailing

Navy Captain Sailing

Question: What’s it like with a Navy captain sailing? Answer: It shows the river from a different perspective. Retired Capt. Terry Culton took his wife Helen and their son and his wife sailing on the York River on a quiet morning with almost no breeze. He’s familiar with these waters, having commanded many a Navy […]

Sailing to Find Saddam

Sailing to find Saddam

Three couples with diverse backgrounds enjoyed a smooth day of sailing on the York River. And they drove a considerable way to do it. Gerald Napper brought his gal Renita Marshall from Ft. Lee, south of Richmond. He’s a First Sergeant with 24 years in, and she’s a dental administrator. He drove more than a […]

Navigating a Career

Army Ship Maneuvering

People ask, “What’s with the Army’s Navy?” Ft. Eustis is home to the “Army’s Navy,” where soldiers learn everything from becoming a stevedore to captaining a boat. Donald Topping explained while sailing the York. Tens of millions of dollars have been invested to teach 27 discrete programs to Army troops and Navy SEALS. “We owe […]