Captain's Blog


Zen on the Bow

“The great thing about [horse] racing is she can get deeply immersed for two or three hours at a stretch. And it is completely different from her everyday work—a switch-out from what is going on in the world that is worrying or unhappy,” said Michael Osmond. “One of her private

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Sailing under the bridge

Sailing Under the Bridge

Although it’s taken for granted by locals, the Coleman Bridge is a spectacular piece of engineering and a vital link between two regions of eastern Virginia. It’s an adventure to go sailing under the bridge. After the boom years of World War II, it became apparent the ferry from Yorktown

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Sailboats Compared

Sailboats and Warships Compared

Arguably there is no comparison because the two experiences are so different. My daughter, who’s in marketing, suggested imbedding a giant billboard in the mainsail saying, “You’d have a better time on this boat.” So let us consider sailboats and warships compared. The biggest difference with the two tourist boats

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What it Takes to Sail

What it takes to sail on the expansive York River is grit, determination, skill – or none of the above. You can make it as challenging as you like, or just relax to enjoy the adventure. Mobility A certain amount of agility is needed to get on and off a

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Bachelorette Party

How are men and women different? Men prefer to hold a bachelor party on a motorboat while women prefer a sailboat for a bachelorette party. The reasons are simple. Men like boats that go fast, make noise and stink. What better place to enjoy your last night of freedom than

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Is sailing safe?

Is Sailing Considered Safe?

  Is the boat safe? Stand back on the dock and look at it. One tell-tale sign that a sailboat is ship-shape is that the lines (ropes) are clean and not frayed. The fiberglass doesn’t have to gleam, but it should be intact without gouges, cuts or holes. (A few

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How to survive a sailing emergency

Survive a Sailing Emergency

Every summer, Category 3 hurricanes along the East Coast inspire anxiety among sailors. In describing how to survive a sailing emergency, these are ranked not by worst-case at the top because all of them are bad scenarios. Instead, they are ranked by degree of likelihood-to-happen,  with the top categories representing

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The Art of Sailing

The Art of Sailing

The art of sailing dates to ancient time and has only gotten better. From Monet to Manet, sailing and sailboats make compelling images. Many paintings derive from five scenes. 1.      Sunsets are immortal. They convey the end of a day, and if that day was spent on the water, all the

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Shipshape Sailboat

Shipshape Sailboat

The list is endless to keep a sailboat shipshape. It breaks out into several lists of discrete responsibilities based on timetables. That way, things proceed in an organized way that stops short of overwhelming the skipper. Here is a starter kit for the new sailboat owner.  It’s easy to become

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Birds of the York River

Birds of the York

Birds of the York River are fascinating to watch, every day and any season. Rob and Share Breitenstein  of Pensacola FL took their three beautiful children sailing on breezy York River, where we saw dolphins hunting schools of fish. Either that or they were just playing; it’s hard to tell

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