Navy Twofer
We got to see two Navy warships transit the Coleman Bridge in one day.
Future Sailors
Couple returned for second sail in advance of retirement cruise to the Caribbean.
Ultimate Hobby
Ten reasons why sailing is the ultimate hobby for people to consider. Plus 102 boat names.
Gal Pal Sail
Gal Pal Sail describes how three women from Richmond took the helm.
Navy, Finally
Navy Finally recounts how two ships came onto Yorktown for the first time in eight weeks.
Ship Disaster
Ship Disaster recounts a similar failing as the Key Bridge in Baltimore.
Yorktown Sail
After a decade, they’re taking down the empty fuel tanks at the Yorktown Refinery.
Elegance of Sailing
People ask, “Can you sum up sailing in one word?” Yes. Except for polo, nothing beats the elegance of sailing. From the yacht club to the ocean and everywhere in between, sailing exudes a special ambiance and attitude that is hard to replicate elsewhere. Few sports compare to sailing. It lends itself to special occasions […]
Emergency Sail
Emergency Sail recounts tales of the ER and sunning deck, among other items.
Busy Sail
A quiet July morning led us to motoring under the Coleman Bridge to see two Navy warships in port at the Yorktown Naval Weapons Station. I pointed out the tubes between two square tents where the Tomahawk missiles fire. Their range is 2,000 miles, sufficient to bomb Iraq and Afghanistan from the Mediterranean Sea during […]