The first thing that people discover about charter sails vs. powerboating is how quiet sailing is. Once the engine is cut off, the sound of silence is distinct. Women notice it first and appreciate it better than men. Everyone begins to hear the waves lapping as the sailboat glides through water. When birds are close, it’s as if you can hear them. When we fly the spinnaker, the radiant colors contrast against the sky in a veritable painting. Try that on a powerboat.
Carmen Napolitano wanted his wife Patty to experience this for the first time. They brought their friends Jim and Carolyn Monos down from New Jersey to sail near Williamsburg on a brisk autumn day. “It’s been a lifelong dream of Patty’s to go sailing. I wanted to do this for her birthday and to check it off her bucket list.” He was beaming.

Sailing was a big contrast for Carmen, who has spent his summers since age 17 running 100 miles offshore to the Baltimore Canyon for deep sea fishing. “When I was young, I went 50 miles out in a 20-foot center console fishing boat. The seas rose to 10 feet and the boat stood straight up in the water. It was frightening. I vowed I’d never go out again in a small boat. I was young at the time.
“Since then I’ve run a 32-foot Boston Whaler, which is a big boat. On a calm morning we can get up to 35 miles an hour zipping out there, but it burns 200 gallons of gas a day. I went out all the time. You get up at 4 in the morning and go out for 14 hours and spend 2-1/2 hours cleaning the blood and fish off the boat afterward. Today I’m done. Now my uncle has the boat, but he’s 80 and I can’t let him go out alone so I go with him. I don’t miss it, since I’ve taken up golf.”
After considerable coaxing, Patty took the helm and turned out quite proficient at finding and keeping the wind. She loved it, as did everyone else. Including me.
Let’s Go Sailing vs. Powerboating
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sailing vs. powerboating sailing vs. powerboating