Big Sail

Big Sail

Big Sail recounts a trifecta of vessels on the York.

Learning to Sail

Learning to Sail

Learning to Sail recounts the thrill of going fast on 3 reaches.

Circumnavigation Sail

Circumnavigation Sail

Circumnavigation Sail has one fellow on a lake and another going around the world.

Season Opener

Season Opener

After a shakedown cruise with a delightful couple from Fredericksburg, we launched the season opener with a fellow who brought his wife and sisters-in-law along for his third time at Let’s Go Sail. Since it was a Monday, we were on the lookout for two Moran tugs that would signal an incoming Navy warship. Sure […]

Danger Sails

Danger Sails

Danger Sails recounts the troubles people have boating.

Sailing Teamwork

Sailing Teamwork

Let’s go sail the York River, where couples enjoy a serene three hours. Take one of 6 sailing adventures near the Chesapeake Bay for your best vacation excursion: Adventure, Event, Appreciation, History, Lessons, Boat Buying. People ask, “Is teamwork important in sailing?” Very much so. A Portsmouth couple bought a 27 Seward to dock near […]

Navy Sail

Next Day

For six weeks, we saw nary a Navy warship. Then two showed up within two days. Three days later, the first ship left to go out to sea. A New Hampshire couple was aboard, having taken their ASA 101 course on Lake Champlain. I thought it only fitting that the navigate under the Coleman Bridge […]

Farming Sail

Farming Sail recounts hay harvesting in Oklahoma, plus other stories by other couples. Let’s go sail.

Emergency Sail

Swiss Sail

Emergency Sail recounts tales of the ER and sunning deck, among other items.


Busy Sail

Dolphins explains how they are slowly returning to the York River.