Gal Pal Sail

Gal Pal Sail

Gal Pal Sail describes how three women from Richmond took the helm.

Sailing from Rural America

Sailing from Rural America

I get asked, “Do you do birthday sails?” Yes, here’s a 50th birthday sail. The week began with a continued warm front offering flat seas in the morning and rising seas in the afternoon. A couple from rural South Boston VA were celebrating her 50th, and a family from rural North Carolina were in Williamsburg […]

Sailing Yorktown

Sailing Yorktown

People ask, “What’s the deal with pirates?” Pirates prevailed at Yorktown on Saturday as the Schooner Virginia and RV Virginia sailed into port. The 122-foot schooner went bankrupt years ago and was revived by the Nauticus Foundation, home-ported there in Norfolk. The big white Virginia was just christened as the newest research vessel by VIMS, […]

Revolution Against Empire

Revolution Against Empire

People ask, “How does Yorktown fit into the American Revolution?” In “Revolution Against Empire: Taxes, Politics and the Origins of American Independence,” Justin du Rivage argues that the American Revolution was about more than “no taxation without representation.” He argues that the violent break between Great Britain and its colonies stemmed from a fierce ideological debate […]

New Yorktown musuem!rates

This month marks the 235th anniversary of the British surrender at Yorktown, and with it came the opening of the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown. (It’s not be confused with the bigger museum opening next year in Philadelphia.) The place is laid out nicely except that the main gallery that is open is something of […]

Hailing France 235 years later

Haling Frances 235 years later

Blandinnd David Posiadala took their toddler daughters as well Blandine’s parents sailing along the York River on a magnificent early fall afternoon. The Posiadalas live in the Ft. Meyers area of Florida and the parents are from Paris. The girls enjoyed sitting in the small catbird seats. It was a delight to convey to them the […]

Sailing to England

Sailing to England

On a hot and sultry afternoon, we went sailing to England with a delightful family. “Buckinghamshire is about 30 miles outside London,” said Ken Boyce, who brought his wife Alison and their three grown children. “We travel to the States every other year. We were going to bring my mother sailing with you, but that […]