Sailing Lesson & Fun

Sailing Lesson & Fun

Two unrelated activities took place on a gloriously warm October day. First, Michael Taylor of suburban Connecticut returned for a second day of instruction. Next, Matt Harding of Virginia Beach brought his wife and friends sailing for the first time, just to have fun. They celebrated both men’s birthdays. They left their young children behind […]

Courageous Captains Sailing

Courageous Captains Sailing

  Exactly one year later, retired Navy Capt. Terry Culton and his wife Helen returned to sail the York River, this time with friends Mike and Debbie Decicco. Unlike last year when the winds were flat, they piped up quickly to 12-15 mph. So we reefed both sails. The couples were in town for a […]

Sailing from Land-Locked Texas

Sailing from Land-Locked Texas

A couple vacationing from the Fort Worth area took their two sons sailing on a quiet York River, where they got to appreciate the serenity of the concept. It proved unique outdoors fun near Williamsburg. “We used to live in San Rafael,” said Chris Gilbert, “and I sailed with my parents on a boat this […]

Sailing San Francisco Bay

Sailing San Francisco Bay

People ask, “How many couples can you take?” Three couples enjoyed unique outdoor fun near Williamsburg by sailing in a light breeze off Yorktown. The York River has never been so serene. Contrast that with the high winds and waves of San Francisco Bay, where Jim Cockrell and his wife Chris sailed years ago. Today […]

Sailing past a submarine

Sailing near Williamsburg

Two couples who’ve been married for decades celebrated their anniversaries by sailing past a submarine during their vacation to Williamsburg. Lisa Kuert surprised her husband Paul on their 35th. “I had no idea where she was taking me,” he said. “I had sandals on so I figured it couldn’t be too dangerous, like rock climbing.” […]

Sailing in a Brisk Wind

Sailing in a Brisk Wind

Sailing a skippered sailboat in Williamsburg is often the most fun that people have on vacation. Just ask Hersh Patel of Newport News, who took his wife Yera out on the York River on a windy day before Tropical Storm Hermine blew in. As the boat headed into the wind, Hersh rolled out the mainsail […]

Sailing out of the Desert

Sailing out of the Desert

The Collins family left Palm Springs for an East Coast vacation that included sailing on the York River. “We did New York at the beginning of the summer and are now ending the summer by doing Washington and Williamsburg,” said Leif. “We have to get back next week because school starts for the boys in […]

Commemorative Sail

Commemorative Sail

Every summer I take Nanci Bond and Ellen Janoncyzk out on a commemorative sail on the mutual day of their late husbands’ birthday. They were both named Bob. On a virtually still day with the York River like glass, we motored over to the other side of the river and all the way out to Tue […]

Sailing to Raleigh

Sailing to Raleigh

What are the odds of three unrelated couples from Raleigh who’ve never met winding up on a sailboat charter near Williamsburg? “That’s not all,” said Larry Maccherone. “We live in Cary in the same neighborhood as Katie, a quarter of a mile away.” Larry and his wife Jennifer ere celebrating their 17th anniversary. As we […]

Sailing without Grandchildren

Two couples in their 50s from Southern California went sailing near Williamsburg on a beautiful fall afternoon with an astonishing statistic between them. Patty and Chris Davis have five grandchildren while their friends Sabrina and Dave have ten. “That’s 15 of them, up to age 18,” Sabrina said. “They all live nearby, so we don’t […]